Wednesday 18 December 2013

9 Quick Remedies That Treat Hair Loss

It is absolutely normal and they are replaced with new hair. In fact, on an average, we lose 50 to 150 hair strands every day and there is nothing wrong with it. You've probably heard a lot about various remedies designed to help your hair to grow back. There are numerous amounts of them, some sold in stores, others you can use right at home.

1. Another homemade hair oil can be made of dried pieces of amla or Indian gooseberry and coconut oil. Boil coconut oil with dry amla into it. Cool it down and apply this oil regularly. This acts as a hair tonic and is effective for hair loss prevention.

2. Mix Indian gooseberry powder with one whole egg, a few drops of olive oil and juice of half a lemon. Apply to your hair and cover with shower cap. Leave for half an hour. Rinse off well, then shampoo.

3. Camellia Sinesis is another herbal remedy for hair loss considered an effective cure for male pattern baldness. Green tea contains components called catechins that help in preventing hair loss. These catechins prevent the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase from converting male hormone testosterone to DHT.

4. Lean meats like turkey and chicken work well because they are packed with protein. Keep in mind that protein is what your hair is made up of mostly, so it makes since to get more of it into your diet.

5. Castor oil is highly beneficial for improving hair growth. Before you apply it, mix it up with equal quantity of almond oil in order to reduce its viscosity. Now massage it well into the scalp. This should be done once in a week for best results.

6. Coconut oil stimulates hair growth. Break one capsule of vitamin E in the oil after slightly warming it. Wrap a hot towel on your hair for 10 minutes. Shampoo off and condition the ends well.

7. He Shou Wu is a Chinese herbal remedy for hair loss. It has been traditionally used as a remedy for hair loss. It has also been used in many commercial preparations that reduce loss of hair. In its processed form, He Shou Wu delivers nourishment to the liver. Blood in the liver nourishes the head and the hair, thus, promoting growth of hair and preventing hair from becoming gray.

8. Eating nuts like almonds which are packed with magnesium gives your hair more fullness. Instead of grabbing that bag of potato chips you've had your eye on, treat your hair loss with a healthy snack like almonds.

9. There are some excellent hair fall remedies for men who are facing the problem of baldness. One of them involves the use of onion and honey. First of all, rub the bald area of the scalp with onion thoroughly so that the skin becomes slightly red. It should be followed by application of honey. A paste of red gram or pigeon pea with uniform consistency can be of great help for the same purpose.

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Friday 13 December 2013

Far Infrared For Detoxification And Anti-aging

If you are looking to improve your health, you may want to consider purchasing a far infrared sauna. A far infrared sauna could be the best secret to longevity. It is anti-aging and the greatest detoxification tool invented. Many woman would like to know the secrets to beautiful skin and a skin that doesn't wrinkle. The far infrared sauna could be the best beauty tool in the world.

The reason why the far infrared sauna works so well is because of it's ability to detox the body of harmful toxicities. Many people are unaware that toxins in the body lead to wrinkles, dry skin and blemishes. If we eliminate these toxins on a daily basis then we can stop the aging process. A far infrared sauna is much cheaper then purchasing a face lift or liposuction. It can save you thousands of dollars down the road in beauty treatments.

Women spent a lot of money on keeping themselves beautiful. They spend thousands of dollars a year on skin care products, makeup and clothes to keep their bodies looking their best. What if they could prevent the signs of aging with a far infrared sauna. A far infrared sauna can help you keep the body you always wanted and will make you look younger and more vibrant.

When using a sauna daily you will feel rejuvenated, relaxed and will look so radiant, people will ask you what you have been doing. You will feel more limber and your aches and pains will go away. Your hair will grow in shiny, your nails will be stronger. You will feel like a million bucks.

Some of the benefits of a far infrared sauna is an increase in energy, loss of pain, loss of fatigue, improved oxygen levels, improved health and wellbeing. The far infrared sauna pushes out all toxicities from the body. Whether you have been exposed to harmful toxicities including chemicals, pesticides and other pollutants, or have been accumulating fungus or bacteria. The far infrared sauna can overpower any toxicity and help your body repair and rejuvenate.

If you are searching for a far infrared sauna, you may want to purchase one with a carbon fiber heating panel. This is the best sauna on the market. It emits the purest far infrared wavelength. This will assure that you will get great healing and detoxification effect. The far infrared sauna could be considered the fountain of youth.

You can lose up to 300-400 calories per hour long session while sitting in the far infrared sauna. You will sweat out water which is composed of toxins. You will also be releasing toxicities from your fat cells. This will make you appear thinner and fit. You will look so good while using your far infrared sauna that you will want to use it more then once a day.

The far infrared sauna is your best investment into your health. Think of how much money you can save if you detoxify your body regularly. It could save you tons of money in medical costs. The far infrared sauna is the best thing you can buy to help you stop the signs of aging, look gorgeous and feel amazing. You won't regret buying one, I promise.

Here is a site where you can find all the 40z VitaMuffinsShop by IngredientHeart Healthy, Low Fat
You can check out our website :-

Monday 9 December 2013

Fibroids Natural Cures - Foods To Help Shrink Fibroids Naturally

Early detection of uterine fibroids is beneficial to women suffering from it simply because fibroids natural cures are actually available right at their homes, and they can make use of these to prevent the progress of the condition. These remedies will greatly help lessen or relieve the pain of the fibroid symptoms and may even stop its growth.

But first, what really is a uterine fibroid? Fibroids or myomas (as it is commonly known to people) are non-malignant tumors growing in the uterus thought to be partly caused by an excessive amount of estrogen produced by the body. Usually, women in their 20s to 40s suffer from this ailment. Fibroid symptoms include excessive menstrual bleeding coupled with tenderness, bloating, frequent urination, and pain during sexual intercourse. The level of discomfort varies based from the size, number, and location of the fibroids themselves.

For remedies, aside from surgery and medications available, women can turn to their kitchen for fibroids natural cures. Below are some of the foods to help shrink fibroids that a fibroid patient can use to alleviate her symptoms and shrink those fibroids.

* Legumes (fiber-rich food).

These foods help flush out wastes and toxins from the body. Legumes are excellent fibroids natural cures. They also contain copper and zinc that are very important when a woman is having a heavy flow during her period. Examples of these foods are: pinto beans, lima beans, lentils, black beans and kidney beans. More so, sprouted beans are a good source of phytoestogens that help lower estrogen levels in the body.

* Soybeans.

Soybeans contain bioflavonoids that are very helpful in lowering the levels of estrogen in the uterus. Examples of soybean-derived food products are tofu and soymilk.

* Dark leafy veggies.

Dark leafy vegetables are excellent fibroids natural cures. These vegetables are good sources of Vitamin A, C, and E; as well as fiber that are very important in controlling the excess estrogen in a woman's body. Furthermore, dark leafy vegetables also contain iron. Iron-rich foods help in replacing the iron eliminated in the body during a heavy menstrual bleeding and are excellent foods to help shrink fibroids. Good sources of iron are kale, spinach and broccoli.

* Fresh fruits are a good source of fiber.

The oranges, bananas and strawberries on your table are a good source of magnesium, potassium and calcium and it's one of the best remedies for bloating.

* Fish Oils.

Fish contains essential fatty acids. Salmon, tuna and mackerel is a good source of the very important Omega3. On the contrary, avoid animal fats, as these are estrogen lovers.

* Whole grains, nuts and seeds are also good sources of fiber and Vitamin E.

* Herbal Teas.

Spices and herbs are generally used as herbal teas. They are often said to have medicinal properties and cure various ailments related to fibroids. Some of these useful herbs are ginger, turmeric, garlic, onion, yarrow, cinnamon, nettles, yam, and willow. In addition, milk thistle, artichoke extract, dandelion, calendula, damania and thuja are some herbs labeled as effective in shrinking fibroids.

* Seaweeds (Particularly Arame)

Seaweeds can be used as foods to help shrink fibroids because it contains phytohormones that normalizes menopausal symptoms.

Try using some of these fibroids natural cures to alleviate your symptoms. They often work best when combined with other natural strategies to shrink fibroids.

If you would like to see more information on treating fibroids and the foods to help shrink fibroids then there is a guaranteed system which can really make a difference.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Brief Introduction About Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Probiotic bacteria favorably alter the intestinal microflora balance, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote good digestion, boost immune function, and increase resistance to infection. Individuals with flourishing intestinal colonies of beneficial bacteria are better equipped to fight the growth of disease-causing bacteria.
What do they do? Acidophilus and bifidobacteria maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora by producing organic compounds—such as lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and acetic acid—that increase the acidity of the intestine and inhibit the reproduction of many harmful bacteria. Probiotic bacteria also produce substances called bacteriocins, which act as natural antibiotics to kill undesirable microorganisms.

Regular ingestion of probiotic bacteria may help prevent vaginal yeast infection. A review of the research concluded that both topical and oral use of acidophilus can prevent yeast infection caused by candida overgrowth.

Diarrhea flushes intestinal microorganisms out of the gastrointestinal tract, leaving the body vulnerable to opportunistic infections. Replenishing the beneficial bacteria with probiotic supplements can help prevent new infections. The incidence of “traveler's diarrhea,” caused by pathogenic bacteria in drinking water or undercooked foods, can be reduced by the preventive use of probiotics.

One probiotic, Saccharomyces boulardii, has prevented diarrhea in several human trials. Double blind research studying critically ill patients found this strain of yeast to prevent diarrhea when 500 mg is taken four times per day.

Probiotics are also important in recolonizing the intestine during and after antibiotic use. Probiotic supplements replace the beneficial bacteria, preventing up to 50% of infections occurring after antibiotic use.

Probiotics also promote healthy digestion. Enzymes secreted by probiotic bacteria aid digestion. Acidophilus is a source of lactase, the enzyme needed to digest milk, which is lacking in lactose-intolerant individuals.
FOS: Fructo-oligosaccharides are naturally occurring carbohydrates that cannot be digested or absorbed by humans but support the growth of bifidobacteria, one of the beneficial bacterial strains. As a result, some nutritionally oriented doctors recommend taking FOS to all patients who are supplementing bifidobacteria. Several trials have used 8 grams per day. However, a review of the research has suggested that 4 grams per day appears to be enough to significantly increase the number bifidobacteria in the gut. FOS has been reported to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. FOS also appears to increase absorption of calcium in humans.

Where are they found? Beneficial bacteria present in fermented dairy foods—namely live culture yogurt—have been used as a folk remedy for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Yogurt is the traditional source of beneficial bacteria; however, different brands of yogurt can vary greatly in their bacteria strain and potency. Some (particularly frozen) yogurts do not contain any live bacteria. Supplements in powder, liquid extract, capsule, or tablet form containing beneficial bacteria are a source of probiotics.

FOS occur naturally in many foods, such as Jerusalem artichokes, bananas, barley, garlic, honey, onions, wheat, and tomatoes; however, nutritional supplements containing FOS provide a more concentrated source of this compound.
Who is likely to be deficient? People using antibiotics, eating a poor diet, or suffering from diarrhea are more likely to have depleted colonies of friendly bacteria.
How much is usually taken? The amount of probiotics necessary to replenish the intestine varies according to the extent of microbial depletion and the presence of harmful bacteria. One to two billion colony forming units (CFUs) per day of acidophilus is considered to be the minimum beneficial amount for the healthy maintenance of intestinal microflora. FOS is generally taken in amounts of 4–8 grams per day. Some Saccharomyces boulardii research has used 500 mg taken four times per day.
Are there any side effects or interactions? No side effects have been reported, even with large intakes of probiotic bacteria. Acidophilus and bifidobacteria may produce B vitamins, including niacin, folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B6.

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Wednesday 4 December 2013

6 Herbs to Handle Leaky Gut Syndrome

Is there potentially an all organic treatment for Leaky Gut Syndrome, with no the use of harsh prescription drugs? This could be accomplished with the support of a number of certain herbs. Nowadays, as in centuries previous, herbs are employed to remedy a multitude of various issues. SLIPPERY ELM 1 fantastic herb to use is slippery elm. Slippery elm is an excellent remedy for these difficulties as skin irritation, uses up and boils. However, it is just as powerful taken internally. Inflamed intestines, throats and belly are easily soothed by slippery elm because it turns into gelatinous when mixed with drinking water, permitting it gently coat your insides. Since the irritation of the intestinal lining is what produced this problem, this functions fantastically for Leaky Gut Syndrome. This syndrome is also eased given that slippery elm has anti-oxidants in it that relieves infection by getting rid of free of charge radicals. PEPPERMINT TEA Yet another herb thathelps get rid of a selection of digestive conditions, which includes Leaky Gut Syndrome, is peppermint tea. The intestines are calmed and the circulation of bile is promoted by this tea. And, peppermint tea aids get rid of certain kinds of bacterium. When irritation of the bowels takes place with leaky gut, bacteria and toxic compounds are capable to escape from the intestines and enter the bloodstream. Reducing the bacteria also minimizes the possibility of infection. CHAMOMILE TEA Aside from peppermint tea, one more herbal tea named chamomile does superbly at treating gut issues. It works superbly at easing Leaky Gut Syndrome signs this sort of as bloating, abnormal gasoline, cramping and stomach discomfort. Drinking tea is also a all-natural way to chill out. Signs and symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome typically exacerbate when one particular experiences excess anxiety or pressure. Most individuals know that worrying and gut issues go hand in hand. An powerful and standardtreatment method for Leaky Gut Syndrome is to merely minimize your tension. MARSHMALLOW ROOT Yet another advantageous herb to reduce the symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome is marshmallow root. This herb soothes the irritated mucous membranes of your digestive tract. Employed for hundreds of years to alleviate most issues with the belly, it may be located online or at a nearby wellness food retailer. ECHINACEA Most herbalists would inform you that Echinacea could heal what ails you most of the time. It is so potent it has even been utilized to handle Diphtheria, scarlet fever, blood poisoning and malaria. Doing like an antioxidant, lowering irritation and strengthening the immune system are but a few of this herbs very best traits. GOLDENSEAL Goldenseal is also favored by most herbalists. It is a potent herb, similar to Echinacea, and can be used to treat countless diverse troubles whilst working especially rapidly on intestinal problems. It has in fact been set on the endangered species record due to more than harvesting simply because it is so wildly popular. Natural and organic solutions are such a beneficial alternative when struggling from Leaky Gut Syndrome. This syndrome is generally aggravated by the over utilisation of antibiotics. Antibiotics do not discriminate when killing off bacteria. This attack on the very good bacteria typically thriving inside the intestines does not permit them to do their normal job of getting rid of allergens. This may well additional agitate the situation producing a harsh cycle of symptoms.

Here is a site where u can find all the Herbal & Ancient Remedies, daily health tips, Shop by Ingredients
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Tuesday 3 December 2013

8 Herbal Remedies for Eczema

It is a Greek word which means 'to boil'. It is an inflammatory and chronic skin disorder leading to boils, rashes, and eruptions on skin. The most common form of eczema, atopic dermatitis, occurs among small children and infants. In over 90 percent of cases, eczema is seen to occur in children below 5 years old. There are many available home remedies for eczema. These include prescription drugs, dietary changes, and herbal remedies.

1. Symptoms of eczema can be aggravated if the skin is exposed to hot and dry air, especially that of the indoors. So, to counter this problem, use a humidifier and keep the moisture levels in your home up and adequate. Not to mention, do not forget to keep the unit clean, as it may harbor the growth of bacteria and fungi.

2. Teas made from Chinese herbs are also commonly used to treat eczema. The combination of herbs varies and depends upon the severity of the eczema and the suspected cause of the eczema. Some of these herbs used for herbal teas include include fang feng, tian men dong, gan cao, shi gao, yi yi ren, ku shen, sheng di huang, zhi mu and mu dan pi. The Chinese herbs chuan xiong and huang qin can also treat scalp eczema. Long dan cao may be added to herbal teas to treat ear and facial eczema. Drinking Erka Shizheng herbal tea twice a day helps treat severe eczema in children.

3. A natural home remedy effective in controlling eczema is spearmint leaf juice. Grind spearmint in a mortar and pestle to make a paste. You can then apply this paste directly to the affected skin or the paste can be diluted with water. Coconut oil is also used in treating eczema. In its purest form, coconut oil has moisturizing properties that helps prevent the irritation from spreading and prevent the skin from cracking. Simply add this oil to the affected areas and get immediate relief.

4. Face packs made of various fruits and vegetables rejuvenates the skin and makes it smooth and silky. Mud packs are also effective in case of eczema.

5. Rough, tight, scratchy clothes or those which are of wool, would be the worst things to go for a while you are suffering from an eczema attack. Wearing cool and smooth-textured clothing such as those made of cotton, is one of the smartest ways to get eczema relief.

6. According to a study by researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, preliminary studies have shown five raw Chinese herbs to be effective in treating eczema. The study appeared in the British Journal of Dermatology. The five herbs found include flos lonicerae, Japanese honeysuckle; cortex moutan, or root bark of peony tree; herba menthae, or peppermint; cortex phellodendri, or amur cork-tree bark; and atractylodes rhizome.

7. Another home remedy for eczema is taking your vitamins diligently. Vitamins A, B, and C help in the reproduction of skin cells. Vitamins do not reduce the outbreaks, though. They do help your skin heal much faster than usual. Vitamin-rich foods include oily fish, fresh fruits, and fresh vegetables.

8. Almond leaves which are found all over the United States can be used to cure this inflammatory disorder. A paste of almond leaves and water on the affected region is very effective in curing eczema.